Dark Tower: The Gunslinger - Sheemie's Tale #1

Marvel ⋅ 2013

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Key Facts

Two-part story focused on Sheemie, a supporting character in Stephen King's Dark Tower series

📖 Reading order: Next, Sheemie's Tale #2

Issue Details




Richard Isanove


Robin Furth


March 2013


THE TALE OF ONE OF THE DARK TOWER'S MOST BELOVED CHARACTERS, SHEEMIE, IS FINALLY TOLD! * Kidnapped by Marten Broadcloak, Sheemie's become a prisoner in End-World. * The Crimson King's servants are forcing him and the other psychic Breakers to destroy the Beams that hold the Dark Tower in place. * Will the dim-witted but big-hearted Sheemie, be able to foil his captor's plans in time?

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